**Reiki Level IIIA class with Rev. Pearl Rauberts**; tuition fee $200, cash or Zelle. Deposit required to secure your spot (text Pearl at 561-310-6423 for details). An advanced level class for those who have already completed Reiki II either with Pearl or with another teacher, (in which case you will need to provide your Reiki I and II certificates* see below *) and wish to take their Reiki studies further: it can be taken as a single class on its own or as the first part of the full Reiki Master training. Today we will undertake the first part of the Master level course and you will learn how to draw and work with the Master symbol, receive the Master level attunement, which will greatly amplify your ability to channel Reiki and you will learn the words of power which accompany the Master symbol. We will participate in Reiki Master Meditation, discuss what is meant by “The Healing Crisis” and there will be extensive practical work, including the Reiki Moving Meditation, which integrates Reiki energy directly into the physical body to help you be an even stronger channel for the Reiki energy.
We will spend time practicing the intuitive Japanese Reiki techniques, including Koki-ho, Kenyoku, Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho and Gyoshi-Ho. We will look at scanning another person’s energy field, we will familiarize ourselves with Dr. Hayashi’s Healing Guide and we will give and receive Reiki with the extra energy now available to us from the Master symbol. This class enables you to complete the full Reiki Master training ( 2 further classes and homework to be done outside of the classes) at a later stage should you wish or you can choose not to continue after today. Today’s certificate will say “Advanced Reiki Training (Reiki IIIA)”.
* You must be able to provide your certificate and your classes must have been in person not over the internet; you will also need to talk to Pearl before the class to discuss what you learned in your Reiki I and II classes. Text Pearl at 561-310-6423 to schedule this.
Rev. Pearl Rauberts, BSc Econ (London School of Economics and Political Science) is British and comes from London; in the 1980s, she started training and working with England’s top spiritual teachers and healers. She studied a wide range of body, mind, and spirit modalities at the College of Psychic Studies and became a healer there. Pearl was also a healer with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. In both places, she co-founded healing clinics. She became a member of the White Eagle Lodge in 1990, an international spiritual organization, and became very deeply involved in their healing work. Pearl has lived in Palm Beach County since 2001 and has focused on developing unique and powerful methods of helping people, drawing on many years of experience and study. She teaches a wide variety of classes and workshops and is a Reiki Master, Reiki Practitioner & Reiki Teacher, the Creator of Rauberts Energy Healing Technique, an Aura Clearing Practitioner, a Holistic Life Coach, an Ordained Minister through the Institute of Spiritual Integral Sciences, a Spiritual Awakening Practitioner and an Angel Messenger Practitioner. Visit Pearl’s website http://www.rauberts.com
This is your event calendar for all events surrounding Lake Worth. If you have any real estate needs in the Lake Worth area please contact The Tricoli Team today!